Genevieve Phillips
Fisheries Officer (Stock Assessment) Dr Genevieve Phillips joined the IOTC Secretariat in February 2025 as a Fisheries Officer (Stock Assessment). After completing a PhD in coral reef fish ecology in 2016, she worked as the Data Coordinator at Fisheries Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland) and then moved to Tasmania to work as a Fisheries Scientist at the University of Tasmania, first at the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD), and later at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS). At the AAD she participated in various CCAMLR Working Groups, and her work included assessing the impacts of survey design, and age sampling protocols on stock assessment (CASAL) outputs in the Australian Patagonian toothfish fishery in the Southern Ocean. At IMAS, she collaborated in the development and application of a new length-based integrated stock assessment model for decapod crustacean fisheries in Australia, and supervised PhD projects on fleet dynamics and climate change in marine protected areas. Her research also covered Fisheries Research and Development Corporation national-priority projects into the potential benefits of partially protected marine protected areas, and reviewing the options for independent data validation in Australia’s fisheries.