To facilitate the implementation of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in the IOTC Convention Area, the Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch has recommended the development of an indicator-based ecosystem report card. The main purpose of the ecosystem report card is to improve the link between ecosystem science and management and increase the awareness, communication and reporting of the state of IOTC’s different ecosystem components to the Commission. Here, we first present the potential uses of an indicator-based ecosystem report card and highlight the different tools available to better link ecosystem science with fisheries management. Second, we present a reporting framework to monitor the impacts of climate and fisheries on the different components of the marine pelagic ecosystem in the IOTC convention area. Third, we present a set of candidate ecosystem indicators to be used to monitor each of the ecosystem components. Fourth, we propose a process to develop the first prototype ecosystem report card for IOTC. Continuing the development and refinement of the report card with the involvement of a diverse group of experts including scientist, managers and other key stakeholders will be pivotal to improve its utility and relevance to the management of tuna and tuna-like species and associated ecosystems in the Indian Ocean.