Total catch of marine fish from Malaysian waters in 2017 were 1.47 million metric tonne (mt), a slide decreased 6% compared to 1.57 million in 2016. The total landing in 2017 were attributed to the catch from 56,111 registered vessels with trawlers, purse seines, drift nets contributed large percentage of the catches. In 2017, marine fish production from the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia (Malacca Straits) contribute 723,545 mt (49%) out of the total catch. The remaining catches were from the South China Sea and Sulu Celebes Seas, east coast of Sabah. Coastal fisheries produced 53% (785,484.1 mt) and 47% (706,686.6 mt) from offshore fisheries.
Therefore, there is an emphasis by the government to develop tuna fisheries not only in coastal waters, but also in offshore waters within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Tuna fisheries, which include both oceanic and neritic tuna, are targeted to be developed in the near future. The second strategic development plan for tuna fisheries 2012 – 2020 was launched at the end of 2013.
Neritic tuna contributes more 5.0% of Malaysia’s marine fish landings in 2017. Purse seines are the most important fishing gear in neritic tuna fisheries, especially the 40-69.9 GRT and >70 GRT vessel size. It contributed more than 82% of the annual catches of neritic tuna in Malaysia. In Kuala Perlis, neritic tuna species are the second most abundant (13%) landed by purse seines after scad (16%), with longtail tuna dominated the landings followed by kawakawa and frigate tuna. In the year 2017, neritic tuna landings in west coast Peninsular Malaysia (Perlis, Kedah, Perak, Penang and Selangor) amounted to 18,450.16 mt; slight increased by 0.98% compared to 18,207.17 mt in 2016. The landing data for neritic tuna also included tuna-like species; Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel amounted 5961.82 mt in 2017 and 4060.57 in 2016. Meanwhile total landings for neritic tuna in Malaysia ranged from 50,000 mt to 75,000 mt.
The catch of oceanic tuna in 2017 increased significantly by 49% from 1,797.56 mt in 2016 to 2,682.55 mt in 2017. The increment is due to the increase of total number of vessels under Malaysian Flag that are authorized to operate in the IOTC area from 10 vessels in 2016 to 19 vessels in 2017. Albacore showed most apparent increasing from 1,330.61 mt in 2016 to 1,607.24 mt in 2017. The fleet which consisted of 6 fishing vessels and one carrier, unloaded and exported the catches at the Port Louis, Mauritius. Albacore tuna formed nearly 70% of the catches in the form of frozen tuna. Another 13 vessels were unload at Penang Port, Malaysia. On observer program, Malaysia is currently in the process of developing national observer scheme. Malaysia has communicated with neighbouring countries who have developed and implemented regional Observer program and will start the Observer Program in mid 2019. Malaysia also have update and introduced the new logbook in September 2017 which includes all species under IOTC and size frequency for long line fisheries. Malaysia had conducted several stakeholders consultation programs to explain and to elaborate the IOTC Resolutions that is inforce. Several requirements under the relevant resolutions have been addressed in the national policies, license conditions and ATF
The revised NPOA- Sharks II is published in 2014. On sea turtle, 2 sanctuary and information centers have regularly implementing awareness program for student and fishermen communities. Hatching program at these canters managed to release over 65,000 baby turtles back to the sea. There are several research programs on sea turtle been carried out at different areas in Malaysian waters and the ongoing projects are c-hook and satellite tracking