Iran (Islamic Republic of) fishing grounds in Northern and southern waters of the country are located in the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Fishery for tuna and tuna-like species is a major component in large pelagic fisheries in Iran and one of the most important activities in the Persian Gulf, Oman Sea and offshore waters. The long Iranian coastline about 193 port and landing places and about 143 thousand fishermen individuals which are directly engaged in fishing activities and more than 11 thousand fishing crafts consist of fishing boats, Dhows and vessels using different fisheries including: Gillnet, Purse seine Trolling, Trawl and Wire-trap which are engaged in fishing operation according to a time schedule during different fishing seasons in the coastal and offshore waters. Gillnet and purse seine are two main fishing methods used by Iranian vessels to target large pelagic species (especially tuna and tuna-like) in the IOTC area competency and also some of small boats used trolling in coastal fisheries.
The Catch quantity of large pelagic in Iran was 314000 Mt in 2018 reported to the IOTC Secretariat and around 275000Mt belongs to tuna and tuna-like fishes in the Indian Ocean areas. This amount of catch contains 70% (220000 Mt) of Tunas, 11.1% (35000 Mt) of Seerfish, 6.5% (21000Mt) of billfish, 0.9% (2900 Mt) different species of shark and 11.5% (36000 Mt) other species.