At each Session of the Commission, Members may adopt Conservation and Management Measures concerning the management of tuna and tuna-like species under the IOTC mandate as well as the fisheries which target them. These decisions are passed in the form of either Resolutions or Recommendations.
Resolutions are binding on the Commission Members, unless there is a specific objection on the part of a Member, and require a two-thirds majority of members present and voting.
Recommendations are slightly different in that they are not binding on the Members and rely on voluntary implementation. The Commission may, by a simple majority of its Members present and voting, adopt Recommendations concerning conservation and management of the stocks for furthering the objectives of the IOTC Agreement.
These Conservation and Management Measures, both active and superseded, can be searched using a range of search criteria, via either the Basic Search or Advanced Search engines below.
You can also download the current compendium of active CMMs (05 December 2024).
Guidance and Recommendations for preparing IOTC Resolutions and Recommendations
You can also download the Guide.
Search CMMs
The Search function allows users to search all CMMs adopted by the Commission, both active and superseded by a specific set of search criteria. Search results are provided in a tabulated format with links to the whole CMM as a pdf document.
[click here] to access the Search engine.