This study aims to evaluate the energy efficiency of the purse seine fishery and to determine the differences between fishing strategies (FAD vs FSC) in the Atlantic Ocean within a FAD closure period, for an isolated assessment of the free-swimming school fishing and for providing carbon footprint indicators in line with Rec. 2022-13. The analysis has been performed with data provided ANABAC and OPAGAC on purse seiner and supply vessels (i.e., vessel specifications, departure and entry date to port, miles navigated by trip, fuel levels at departure and entry to port, bunkering at sea, catch by set type (FAD and FSC) including species and size composition and reference sale prizes. Fuel consumption (L), FUI (L/t) and profitability indicators were estimated for pure FAD, pure FSC and mixed trips. On average, Atlantic purse seiners have a FUI of 856 L fuel/t catch. By fishing strategy, FAD trips (675 L/t) are more efficient and show lower carbon footprint (1839.6 ± 839.6 kgCO2/t) than FSC trips (FUI: 2044 L/t; 5569.9 ± 5176.4 kgCO2/t).