The present report details the developments pursued on designing and implementing on Water Jurisdiction Areas (WJA), as continuity with the work presented at CWP 27. It includes some background on the sensitive topic of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) recalling the geographic definitions of the main UNCLOS area types, such as the Exclusive Economic Zone, often misused as proxy of the whole national water jurisdiction areas. The work builds on the distinction between National Jurisdiction Areas (NJAs) and ABNJ and proposes several geospatial datasets to which various levels of breakdowns are applied. Together with the GIS proof-of-concept tested through these developments, the work suggests a consolidated WJA coding system based on the Uniform Resource Name (URN) standard as mechanism to establish semantic persistent identifiers. Issues and limitations associated with the GIS methodology are highlighted. General recommendations are listed to extend the technical work beyond CWP through collaboration with technical institutions (eg. VLIZ) and UN divisions (UN Geospatial, UN DOALOS) and related groups of experts on geospatial and marine domain.