The IOTC Secretariat has finalised the development of field identification cards for tuna and tuna-like species under the IOTC mandate. The cards were developed at the request of the Working Party on Tropical Tunas, the Working Party on Neritic Tunas and the Scientific Committee. The identification cards were produced to help improve catch data and statistics on tuna and tuna-like species, as well as on other species caught by fisheries in the Indian Ocean.
The cards will be distributed to the primary intended users: scientific observers under the framework of the IOTC Regional Observer Scheme, however they will also be distributed and used by fishers in order to record and report interactions. Fisheries training institutions and fishing communities are other potential users.
The identification cards were produced in both English and French, although the Commission seeks funding sources to translate the cards into other languages. A limited number of hard copies of the identification guides are available from the IOTC Secretariat. Please send your inquiry to [email protected]
You may download the identification cards from the following link: