1st Workshop on Depredation in tuna longline fisheries of the Indian Ocean (DeWS01)
Workshop on Depredation in tuna longline fisheries of the Indian Ocean (DeWS)
Meeting year:
Meeting session:
Mon, 09/07/2007 (All day) to Tue, 10/07/2007 (All day)
Venue country/city:
Training Room, Seychelles Fishing Authority, Victoria Fishing Port
Victoria, Seychelles
At its fifth Session of the IOTC held in Kyoto 2000, it adopted Resolution 00/02 Resolution on a survey of predation of longline caught fish. In response to this at least seven countries undertook a program of predation surveys spanning (maximum) five years from 2000/01–2004/05. The Resolution also recommended that a workshop be held after the surveys were over. The surveys were completed in 2005 and all the survey data were recovered by the end of 2006. Given this background, in its 9th Session the IOTC Scientific Committee endorsed a two day Workshop to be held from 9–10 July 2007 in the Seychelles, in order to discuss the results of the five year predation surveys and other relevant topics. This current workshop fulfills the IOTC Scientific Committee endorsement and was organised by the IOTC and National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries (NRIFSF) of Japan.