Resolution 15/01 provides that:
2. The measure shall apply to all purse seine, longline, gillnet, pole and line, handline and trolling fishing vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres if they fish outside the EEZs of their flag States within the IOTC area of competence. The data recording systems for developing CPCs vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of coastal States are subject to Paragraphs 11 and 12. The vessels of less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of developed CPCs shall apply this measure.4. Each flag CPC shall submit to the IOTC Executive Secretary by 15 February 2016 a template of its official logbooks to record data in accordance with Annex I, II and III, for publishing on the IOTC website to facilitate MCS activities. For CPCs that use electronic logbook systems, a copy of the applicable regulations implementing the electronic logbook system in that CPC, a set of screen captures and the name of the certified software may be provided. If changes are made to the template after 15 February 2016, an updated template shall be submitted.
5. Where the logbook is not in one of the two languages of the IOTC, CPCs shall provide a complete field description of the logbook in one of the two languages of the IOTC together with the submission of the sample of the logbook. The IOTC Executive Secretary shall publish the sample of the logbook and the field description on the IOTC website.11. Noting the difficulty in implementing a data recording system on fishing vessels from developing CPCs, the data recording systems for vessels less than 24 metres of developing CPCs operating inside the EEZ shall be implemented progressively from 1 July 2016.
Below is the list of official fishing logbooks templates submitted by each flag State CPC:
Official fishing logbooks | |
Australia For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Australia, and for vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Australia: | |
Bangladesh Vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres if they fish outside the EEZ of Banglasdesh: Vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Bangladesh: | |
China Vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of China: Vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of China: Not a coastal State of the Indian Ocean. | |
Comoros | |
European Union FRANCE: Vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of France, and for vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of France: Note: The logbook template of EU-FRA is used by all vessels measuring more than 12 meters LOA, regardless of the area in which they fish (inside and outside the EEZ). The logbook template permits to declare where the fishery took place – inside or outside the EEZ. There is no distinction made for vessels of more or less than 24 meters LOA. PORTUGAL: Vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Portugal: Vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Portugal: Not a coastal State of the Indian Ocean. SPAIN: Vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Spain: Vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Spain: Not a coastal State of the Indian Ocean. ITALY: Vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Italy: Vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Italy: Not a coastal State of the Indian Ocean. | |
India Last update 23/12/2024 Vessels over 24 metres length overall fishing inside and outside the EEZ: | |
Indonesia For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Indonesia, and for vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Indonesia:
For vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Indonesia: - Fishing vessels above 5 (five) GT equipped with a fishing logbook (using electronic logbook systems): - Fishing vessels up to 5 (five) GT equipped with a simplified fishing logbook: | |
Iran | |
| |
Kenya | |
Korea | |
Madagascar | |
Malaysia For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Malaysia: For vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Malaysia: | |
Maldives For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Maldives, and for vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Maldives: | |
Mauritius For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Mauritius, and for vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Mauritius: For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Mauritius | |
Mozambique | |
Oman | |
Pakistan | |
Philippines | |
Seychelles For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Seychelles, and for vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Seychelles:
For vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Seychelles: | |
South Africa For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of South Africa, and for vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of South Africa: | |
Sri Lanka Last update 17/12/2024 For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Sri Lanka, and for vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Sri Lanka:
Electronic fishing logbook (pilot project) | |
Tanzania For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Tanzania, and for vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Tanzania: | |
Thailand For vessels over 24 metres length overall and those under 24 metres fishing outside the EEZ of Thailand:
For vessels less than 24 metres operating within the EEZ of Thailand: | |
United Kingdom |