For fisheries management purpose, Indonesian waters are divided into eleven Fisheries Management Areas (FMA). Three of them located within the IOTC area of competence, namely FMA 572 (Western Sumatera and Sunda Strait), FMA 573 (South of Java to East Nusa Tenggara, Sawu Sea and western part of Timor Sea) and 571 (Malacca Strait and Andaman Sea). Indonesian fishers operated various fishing gears such as Long line, Purse seine, hand line to catch large pelagic fishes such as tuna, skipjack, marlins etc. Longline is the main fishing gear type targeting tunas which operated in those FMAs. Number of active vessel operated in high seas in 2017 was 247 vessel dominated by longline followed by purse seine. Total catch of main species of tunas in 2017 was estimated around 165,725 mt which composed of albacore (6,994 mt), bigeye tuna (21,945 mt), skipjack tuna (96,872 mt) and yellowfin tuna (39,913 mt). Nominal hook rate derived from logbook data 2017 for albacore, bigeye, and yellowfin in kg/1000 hooks were 69.13, 29.51, and 65.79 respectively. Observer coverage 2017 was 6.9% increase than previous year in term proportion number of vessel observed. Nominal hook rate for billfishes from longline fishery was decreased rather than previous years, dominated by swordfish, followed by black marlin and blue marlin. Interaction longline fishery with seabird were operated above 25S was occurred, also reported that marine turtle interaction decreased rather than from previous years. Meanwhile bycatch of shark still dominated by blue sharks and crocodile sharks.