During 2020 EU-Portugal active fishing fleet operating in the IOTC convention area consisted of only 3 pelagic longliners targeting swordfish mostly in the temperate southwest Indian Ocean. Overall, a total of 1,102 MT was caught, of which 443 MT corresponded to swordfish, 499 MT to blue shark, 104 MT to shortfin mako, 26 MT to tuna, 20 MT to billfish (excluding swordfish) and 9 MT to other species. In 2020, EU-Portugal kept implemented the data collection program based on logbooks, but due to Covid-19 restrictions to place observers onboard the fishing vessels and restrictions in international travelling, it was not possible to have the onboard observers placed and collecting data. In 2020, and within the EU data collection framework, EU-Portugal continued the collection and revision of fisheries and biological data, including historical catches, and catch and effort, which were provided to IOTC Secretariat in due time. Size data was not possible to collect and submit due to the reasons explained above. EU-Portugal scientists produced and participated in several relevant working documents to several IOTC Working Parties, which are described in this report.