The Seychelles National Report summarizes activities of the Seychelles’ fishing fleet targeting tuna and tuna-like species in the WIO for the year 2020 in comparison with previous years. It also summarizes research, and data collection related activities as well as actions undertaken in 2020 to implement Scientific Committee recommendations and IOTC Conservation and Management Measures.
Over the past five years, the Seychelles purse seine fleet has remained the same comprising of 13 vessels. The number of supply vessels has decreased from 9 vessel is 2016 to 4 vessels in 2020. The nominal effort increased slightly by 299 days (10%) in 2020, when compared to the previous year, and reach a total of 3,221 days fished whilst the catches remained constant estimated at 112,231 MT in 2020 (112,621 MT in 2019). The CPUE measured as MT/Fishing day reduced to 34.84, compared to 38.54 MT/ fishing day during the previous year. Catches of yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna decreased by 8% and 10% respectively whilst catches of skipjack tuna increased by 4% over the period under review.
The Seychelles Industrial longline fleet comprised of 62 fishing vessels in 2020 compared to 57 vessels in 2019. The total catch reported by this fleet for the year 2020 was like the previous year estimated at 22,469 MT of which 7,775 MT consisted of yellowfin tuna. The estimated catch rate has remained constant as per the previous year, estimated at 0.55 Mt/1000 hook.
In 2020, the total catches by the Semi industrial vessels decreased by 26% to reached 1485 MT compared to 2008 MT for the previous year. This corresponds to a drop of 41% in fishing effort thus giving a mean catch rate of 0.73 MT/ 1000 hooks for the year 2020.
Similarly, to previous years, Seychelles, through the SFA is implementing various actions to improve the quantity and quality of data collected from its fleet targeting tuna and tuna-like species in the IOTC area of competence. Due to technical problems, we are unable to provide statistics for observer programme at this point. Update will be provided to the secretariat in due course.
It should be highlighted that major effort were made in the year 2021 to clear the backlog in longline fishery for years 2019 and 2020 resulted from technical and administrative related issues in late 2019 and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. Seychelles is moving forward with the implementation of EMS and ERS system onboard its fishing fleet targeting tuna and tuna-like species, following successful completion of pilot projects in 2021. The roll-out is expected to be completed by mid 2022.