In October 2020, per request made during the 10th meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee and pursuant to the Resolution C-19-08, the IATTC staff presented the document SAC-11-10 “An Electronic Monitoring System for the tuna fisheries in the eastern Pacific Ocean: Objectives and Standards”. In this presentation, all the components of the structure of the EMS for the tuna fisheries in the EPO: definitions, institutional structure, management, and standards, as well as the workplan involving each of these components for the implementation of an EMS, and reflected in the document EMS-01-02 were presented. Noting the key importance of standards in data collection and data analysis and reporting, pilot EM studies have been conducted for small and large tuna purse-seine and for longline vessels in order to identify which type of fishing data EM is capable to reliably collect. The motivation for EM trials on the small tuna purse-seine vessels was also noted. Some significant results on the entire tuna purse-seine fleet, showed that EM seems to be ready to reliably collect 83.4% of the data, and for vessels with camera access to the wet deck the total number of sharks recorded by EM almost doubled the number recorded by the human observer. The identification of FAD buoys is not yet possible to be collected by EM. In this regard, a study for exploring technologies for remote identification of FAD buoys is currently in progress, not only for improving the EM data quality but also to expedite the time of EM analysis. Regarding the pilot EM project for the longline fishery, cameras are currently collecting EM records aboard the three participant vessels, and no EM data have been yet generated.