In this paper we present a brief overview of the current work that is undertaken since few years to make fisheries datasets compliant with FAIR data management principles in the context of different projects. We will first remind what are FAIR good practices and discuss existing options to set them up. We will present some technical options and relevant infrastructures which can be used to implement such standards and can provide efficient data discovery and access services. We will thereafter highlight some examples which showcase the collaboration between tRFMOs, FAO and IRD in the context of FIRMS and european research projects. In particular, the Global Tuna Atlas is the most advanced demonstrator, and is currently focusing on fishing catch. We will also present preliminary results of Blue-Cloud and G2OI INTERREG projects which aim to complement catch datasets description with fishing efforts, tagging data, size class datasets. These metadata sheets describes datasets by using a variety of standards : from international domain agnostic to domain specific standards. Beyond data, similar workflow can be used to describe reports or working papers which can also be assigned DOIs along with metadata to improve their discovery and access.