In support of the development of the IOTC ecosystem report card, this paper addresses the “fishing pressure” component and how it cans contribute towards implementing the Ecosystem Approach of Fishery Management (EAFM). At first we illustrate what are main principles of the EAFM and what the fishing pressure component means within the context of the EAFM implementation. We also make a proposal of a conceptual and an operational objective which to be used to measure progress towards management of this component. Then we give briefed information about Current status of Tuna and Tuna like species stocks in IOTC area of competence and propose candidate fishing pressure related indicators that could be estimated to monitor this component. We selected fleet capacity, fishing effort, fishing activity intensity per area and time and other proxies of fishing pressure, as broad indicator types and describe the types of attributes they measure. We also highlight data limitation and current impediments hindering indicator development; on-going projects and efforts that may address some of these challenges. Finally, we prepare a draft work plan to guide our future work with focus on long term strategies. We invite the IOTC contracting parties, none contracting cooperating parties, related communities and the others to contribute towards the development of the IOTC ecosystem report card.