This table lists catch in weight (purse seine) and/or numbers of fish (longline) of tuna and tuna-like species, preferably raised to the total nominal catch and fishing effort by month, species and gear. The maximum spatial aggregation should be by 1°x1° grid area for purse seine and 5°x5° grid area for longline. This is not, however, the case with all CE data available: CE data recorded for most artisanal fleets refers to irregular areas (e.g. CE data recorded per port of unloading).
Catches and effort are not available for all Nominal catches strata. When recorded, the catches in these datasets might represent the total catches of the species in the year for the fleet and gear concerned or represent simply a sample of those.
These data, as well as the length-frequency data listed below are considered to be in the public domain, provided that the catch of no individual vessel can be identified within a time/area stratum. In cases when an individual vessel can be identified, the data are aggregated prior to release by time, area or flag to preclude such identification, and will then be in the public domain.
Catch-and-effort and length-frequency data grouped at a finer level of time-area stratification are only released with written authorization from the sources of the data and are subject to a number of constraints destined to preserve confidentiality.
CE data are available in text (CSV) format. Please, refer to the detailed CE reference if you want to use this dataset.
Catch-and-effort for surface fisheries by month, species and gear, by vessel flag reporting country, 1950-2023, last updated 13th March 2025.