The Tenth Session of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF) of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) was held in Mauritius from 8–10 May, 2013. The meeting was opened by the Vice-Chair, Dr. Kandachamy Vijayakumaran (India) in the absence of the Chair, Mr Godfrey Monor (Kenya).
The following are a subset of the complete recommendations from the SCAF10 to the Commission, which are provided at Appendix VI.
Financial statement
(para. 27) The SCAF RECOMMENDED that all Members with overdue contributions finalise payment of those contributions as soon as possible so as not to hinder the operation of the IOTC. To facilitate this process, the Chair of the Commission, with the assistance of the Executive Secretary, shall write to each of the CPCs with contributions in arrears totaling more than the previous two years to seek confirmation of their continued involvement in the IOTC, quoting Article IV, para. 4 of the IOTC Agreement, and to seek payment for overdue contributions. Responses from those CPCs should be circulated by the Secretariat to all CPCs for consideration at the 18th Session of the Commission.
Programme of Work and Budget Estimates for 2013 and 2014
Meeting participation fund (MPF)
(para. 58) The SCAF RECOMMENDED that the MPF be replenished to its initial level of USD$200,000 for the financial (calendar) year 2013, through the allocation of funds from the IOTC accumulated funds provided that there is a solution to cover the operational cost of the Secretariat for the first six months of the year.
(para. 59) The SCAF reiterated its previous RECOMMENDATION that the MPF be separated from the main budget as a separate project, and for the Executive Secretary to request that the FAO project support costs be waived.
Fisheries Officer (Science)
(para. 64) The SCAF RECOMMENDED that a Fishery Officer (Science), working on science support, be employed at the Secretariat and for this to be incorporated in the Commission’s budget on an ongoing basis. The Secretariat shall contact FAO to determine if they are able to make a financial contribution towards this position in 2014.
Program of work and budget
(para. 65) The SCAF RECOMMENDED that the Secretariat seek additional sources of funding to complete the
workplan of the Secretariat in 2013 and future years, including but not limited to IOC-Smartfish.
(para. 66) The SCAF RECOMMENDED that the Commission endorse the IOTC Secretariat’s programme of work for the financial period 01 January, 2013 to 31 December 2013, as outlined in paper IOTC–2013–SCAF10– 05.
(para. 67) The SCAF RECOMMENDED that the Commission adopt the budget for, and the scheme of contributions for 2013 as outlined in Appendix III and Appendix IV respectively.