Reference | Title | Available on | File | |
IOTC Circular 2018-10 | Preparation for a decision on whether the IOTC should remain within the FAO framework or become a separate legal entity | 12/05/2019 |
IOTC Circular 2018-42 | Regarding the membership of Sierra Leone | 29/05/2019 |
Reference | Title | Available on | File | |
IOTC-2018-SC21-R | Report of the 21st Session of the IOTC Scientific Committee | 17/04/2019 |
IOTC-2019-CoC16-R | Report of the 16th Session of the Compliance Committee | 15/06/2019 |
IOTC-2019-SCAF16-09 | Proposed amendments to the IOTC Financial Regulations | 10/05/2019 |
IOTC-2019-SCAF16-R | Report of the 16th Session of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance | 14/06/2019 |
IOTC-2019-TCAC05-R | Report of the 5th Technical Committee on Allocation Criteria | 17/04/2019 |
IOTC-2019-TCMP03-R | Report of the 3rd IOTC Technical Committee on Management Procedures | 16/06/2019 |
IOTC-2019-TCPR02-R | Report for the 2nd Technical Committee on Performance Review | 17/04/2019 |
Reference | Title | Available on | File | |
IOTC-2019-S23-Rev1 FINAL | Report of the 23rd Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission | 17/09/2019 |