IOTC organises a second workshop to enhance the capacity of CPCs to connect IOTC science to management.
IOTC organised the Second Workshop on connecting IOTC Science and Management (SMWS02) in Cape Town, South Africa from the 20–22 September 2014. The workshop, financed through a cooperation agreement with the Australian Government, attracted participants from Comoros, European Union, Madagascar, Maldives, Iran, Mauritius, Seychelles and Tanzania. The workshop occurred in the days following the 2nd Stock Assessment Workshop (15–19 September) and some scientists attended this workshop to further improve the science linkages with the managers/policy-makers. The overall objective was to at least have a scientist and manager/policy maker from select CPCs together in the workshop.
The workshop covered the following core topics:
• Structure and functioning of the IOTC
• Current status of IOTC stocks
• Communicating IOTC science to managers
• Lessons to be learnt from other fisheries management structures
• How to interpret science advice as a manager
• Country level implications arising from stock assessment results and management options analyses
• How use the IOTC scientific advice and draft possible conservation and Management measures
• Implications of current Conservation and Management Measures for CPCs
• Negotiations within the Commission
• Effects of poor compliance with IOTC requirements on the provision of scientific advice and management.
The workshop was delivered by staff of the IOTC Secretariat, namely Rondolph Payet (Executive Secretary), Dr. David Wilson (Deputy Secretary/Science Manager), Dr. Rishi Sharma (Fishery Officer – Stock Assessment,). A total of 15 participants attended the workshop.
Participants, at the closure of the 3 day workshop, noted that the IOTC Secretariat should continue delivering such workshops as it provide a good foundation to improve the understanding of how the science should inform management and vice-versa.
All of the presentations made are available from the IOTC website: