Since Mayotte became a territory under the Community regime on 1 January 2014, the French tropical overseas territories of the Indian Ocean only concern the Eparses Islands, which are attached to the higher administration of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF). A natural marine park was created on 22 February 2012 (decree n°2012-245), it is the PNM des Glorieuses, which depends on the Eparses Islands and extends over the entire Glorieuses EEZ.
The Iles Eparses (France Territories) do not have any tuna fleets registered for this territory. Nevertheless, the TAAF administration issues fishing licences to French and foreign longliners and purse seiners wishing to fish in the waters administered by France Territoires, and an "observer" programme accompanies the granting of these licences. In 2020, the TAAF administration did not take observers on board tuna seiners.
France's current research programme (mainly IRD & Ifremer) on large pelagics covers the monitoring of fishing activities, landings and biometrics of target species and discards, the study of the migratory behaviour of large pelagics, studies on fish aggregating devices, the collection of "observer" data (including electronic monitoring) genetic and microchemical studies for stock delineation, development of bycatch and depredation mitigation measures, post-discard mortality studies of European seine and longline fisheries for oceanic whitetip sharks, and development of an innovation to facilitate rapid release of longline-caught marine megafauna and improve survival of individuals Most projects are funded through international, European or national tenders. This report lists the various projects that have continued or started in 2020. In addition, there are projects directly involving the IOTC, even if they are still in the process of being launched.
France-Territoires has actively participated in all the working groups organised by the IOTC. In association with EU-France, 20 scientific contributions were produced in 2020, including the national report presented by France-Territoires to the Commission's Scientific Committee.