The Tenth Session of the Compliance Committee (CoC) of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) was held in Mauritius from the 2–4 May, 2013. The meeting was opened by the Chair, Mr. Roberto Cesari (European Union). A total of 113 delegates from 25 Members of the Commission, 2 Cooperating non-Contracting Parties and 9 Observers attended the Session.
(para. 2) The CoC RECALLED that the purpose of the meeting is to strengthen compliance among Members, i.e. Contracting Parties, and Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties (CPCs) by firstly reviewing progress made during the 2012/2013 intersessional period, identifying outstanding issues of non-compliance as well identifying the challenges and difficulties that each CPC and notably developing coastal States are facing in enforcing and complying with IOTC Conservation and Management Measures (CMMs), and finally to encourage such improvement during the next intersessional period.
The following are a subset of the complete recommendations from the CoC10 to the Commission, which are provided at Appendix VII.
Overview of the Implementation of IOTC Conservation and Management Measures
(para. 8) Noting the specific issues identified during the CoC10, which many CPCs were encountering difficulty in implementing, specifically meeting the 5% minimum observer coverage level, minimum data reporting requirements, implementing the port State measures and a vessel monitoring scheme (particularly for small scale fisheries), and difficulties in interpreting some IOTC’s CMMs, the CoC RECOMMENDED that CPCs continue efforts in improving their compliance status and in doing so utilise the knowledge and experience available at the IOTC Secretariat to assist them in ensuring they fully understand their obligations as outlined in the various CMMs of the Commission.
Review of the Effects of Piracy on at Sea Inspections
(para. 79) The CoC RECOMMENDED that the Commission consider whether a potential best practice protocol for vessels in transit with armed guards on board and whether a formal and binding management measure on a regional high-seas boarding and inspection scheme should be developed in the future.
Update on Progress Regarding the Performance Review
(para. 84) The CoC RECOMMENDED that the Commission consider whether another IOTC Performance Review
should be undertaken in 2014, given that the previous review was completed in 2009.
Activities by the Secretariat in Support of Capacity Building for Developing CPCs
(para. 87) The CoC RECOMMENDED that the Commission consider its continued support of the work of the Secretariat in 2013, to allow it to undertake additional capacity building missions to improve the implementation of CMMs by IOTC Members, and to consider developing a plan of work for 2013/14.
Review of the Draft and Adoption of the Report of the Tenth Session of the Compliance Committee
(para. 100) The CoC RECOMMENDED that the Commission consider the consolidated set of recommendations arising from CoC10, provided at Appendix VII.