Reference | Title | Available on | File | |
IOTC-2023-SC26-R_presentation | Presentation of the 26th Scientific Committee report | 13/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-DFAD_Comparisons_V2 | DFAD proposal comparison tables | 13/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-Facilitator's Draft - DFADs_Plenary | Version 3 Facilitator's Draft on DFADs proposals | 15/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-REF01 | Statement from the United Kingdom | 13/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-REF02 | Statement from Mauritius | 13/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-REF03 | Lists of contested assessments during CoC21/S28 | 15/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-REF03_Rev1 | Lists of contested assessments during CoC21/S28 | 16/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-SCAF21-R_presentation | Presentation of the SCAF21 report | 15/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-TCMP-R_presentation | Presentation of the TCMP report | 15/05/2024 |
Presentation of the CoC report | IOTC-2024-CoC21-R_presentation | 15/05/2024 |
Reference | Title | Available on | File | |
IOTC-2024-S28-01a | Provisional agenda version1 March | 11/03/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-01b | Provisional agenda version 2 April | 15/04/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-01c | Provisional agenda version 3 May | 10/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-02 | Progress on the requests for action made by the Commission in 2023 | 09/04/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-03 | Report on current CMMs that include a reference to the year 2024 | 09/04/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-04_Rev2 | Review of objections | 09/04/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-05_Rev1 | IOTC collaborative arrangements - an overview | 10/04/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-06 | IOTC Code of Conduct - draft | 10/04/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-07_Rev1 | Working towards further progress on the development of an allocation of fishing opportunities for IOTC species | 15/04/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-08 | Information from Indonesia | 12/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-08_Add1 | Additional information from Indonesia on Belmeti's Case | 15/05/2024 |
Reference | Title | Available on | File | |
IOTC-2024-S28-INF01 | Update on the Common Oceans Tuna Project | 23/04/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-INF02 | Schedule Day 1 | 13/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-INF03 | Day 1 Recap and Plan for Day 2 | 13/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-INF04 | Day 2 Recap and Plan for Day 3 | 14/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-INF05 | Day 3 Recap and Plan for Day 4 | 15/05/2024 |
IOTC-2024-S28-INF06 | Day 4 Recap and Plan for Day 5 | 16/05/2024 |
Reference | Title | Available on | File | |
IOTC-2024-S28-R | Report of the 28th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission | 17/07/2024 |