Status summary for tuna and tuna-like species under the IOTC mandate, as well as other species impacted by IOTC fisheries (and measures to mitigate these impacts).
The IOTC is essentially based on a three-step approach:
The primary functions of the Scientific Committee and its Working Parties are to provide the Commission with the information it needs to manage fish stocks under the IOTC mandate, as well as the ecosystems in which the fisheries operate.
In 2019, the Commission adopted the IOTC Strategic Science Plan 2020-2024. The plan can be found here.
In 2024 the Scienfitic Comittee reviewed the draft IOTC Strategic Science Plan 2025-2029. The draft can be found here
The submission of a National Report is mandatory, irrespective of whether a CPC intends on attending the annual meeting of the SC or not and shall be submitted no later than 15 days prior to the SC meeting. The status of National Report submissions can be viewed here. The latest template for the National Report can be downloaded here (updated July 2024).
The objective of the IOTC Regional Observer Scheme is to collect verified catch data and other scientific data related to the fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species in the IOTC area of competence. More information can be found on this page.