WPTT02-01 |
Status of the IOTC databases for Tropical tunas |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-02 |
Catches of artisanal and induatrial fleets in Indonesia: An update |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-03 |
Catches of industrial fleets operating under flags of non-reporting countries in the IOTC area of competence: An update |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-04 |
French purse-seine tuna fisheries statistics in the Indian Ocean, 1981-2001 |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-05 |
Memorandum on regulatory measures for purse seine fisheries in the Western Tropical Indian Ocean |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-06 |
Statistics of the main purse seine fleets fishing in the Indian Ocean (1981-2001) |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-07 |
Application of an age-structured production model (ASPM) to the Indian Ocean Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) resource |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-08 |
Trends in the longline and purse seine fishery in the Seychelles waters |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-09 |
Incidental Yellowfin catch with Swordfish longline fisheries in the Seychelles, Preliminary results of an experimental longline fishing program |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-10 |
A brief report on Taiwanese tuna longline fisheries operate in the Indian Ocean |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-11 |
Standardization of Japanese longline catch rates for Yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean using GAM analyses |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-12 |
Standardized CPUE for Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) of the Japanese longline fishery in the Indian Ocean by Generalized Linear Models (GLM) (1960-2000) |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-13 |
Stock assessment of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) resources in the Indian Ocean by the Age Structured Production Model (ASPM) analyses |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-14 |
Preliminary analysis of the Nominal CPUE and fishing effort in the China longline fishery in the Indian Ocean |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-16 |
Atlas of Indian ocean purse seine fisheries 1982-2001 with a special emphasis for Yellowfin tuna taken on FAD and free schools |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-17 |
Analysis of trend of total yearly catches of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Indian Ocean and status of stock |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-18 |
Study of the growth of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Western Indian Ocean based on length frequency data |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-19 |
Some considerations to separate Taiwanese regular and deep longliners |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-20 |
Some aspects on the FAD fishery in the Indian Ocean from observers data analysis |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-21 |
Updated analysis of observers data analysis from the 1998-1999 moratorium in the Indian Ocean |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-22 |
The use of MULTIFAN to estimate growth parameters of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Indian Ocean |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-23 |
Application of the procean model to the Indian Ocean Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) fishery |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-24 |
On-going research activities on trophic ecology of tuna in Equatorial ecosystems of the Indian Ocean |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-25 |
Analysis of the catches by weight category of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) undertaken by the purse seine fleets in the Indian Ocean from 1991 to 2000 |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-26 |
Standardization of tropical purse seine fishing effort by generalized linear model (GLM) |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-27 |
A new approach to standardize catch rates for Yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) for the Spanish purse seine fleet (1984-1995) |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-28 |
Statistics of the purse seine Spanish fleet in the Indian Ocean (1984-2001) |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-29 |
Review of biological aspects of Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) from the Indian Ocean |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-30 |
Update on standardization of CPUE for Yellowfin tuna caught by Taiwanese distant-water tuna longline fishery operate in the Indian Ocean |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-31 |
Tuna purse seine landings in Phuket, Thailand, from 1993 to 2001 |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-32 |
Tuna longline landings in Phuket, Thailand, from 1994 to 2002 |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-33 |
Changes in depth of Yellowfin tuna habitat in the Indian Ocean: An historical perspective 1955-2001 |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-35 |
Updated Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) resource analyses in the Indian Ocean - CPUE, ASPM (MSY) and projections |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-36 |
Status of Oceanic tuna landings form Indian Ocean at Penang port, Malaysia |
01/01/2013 |
WPTT02-37 |
Statistics and status of Japanese tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean up to 2000 |
01/01/2013 |