IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA14 Rev_1 |
DATA- Billfish Equations |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA07 |
Catch and Effort - Longline |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA09 |
Catch and Effort - Coastal |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA05 |
EU-Portugal standardised longline CPUE series 1998–2013 |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA12 Rev_2 |
Data for the assessment of Indian Ocean swordfish stock |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA01 |
Billfish datasets available (14 October 2014) |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA11 |
Catch and Effort - reference |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA08 |
Catch and Effort - vessels using pole and lines or purse seines |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA13 Rev_1 |
Size Frequency - All Billfish species |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA06 |
Nominal Catches per Fleet, Year, Gear, IOTC Area and species |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA04 |
EU-Spain standardised longline CPUE series 2001–2012 |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA03 |
Japan standardised longline CPUE series 1971–2013 |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA15 |
Size frequency - reference |
2014 |
IOTC-2014-WPB12-DATA10 |
Catch and Effort - all vessels |
2014 |
Size frequency – black marlin |
2013 |
Size frequency – all Billfish species |
2013 |
Billfish Data catalogue 2013 |
2013 |
Catches and Effort - Billfish - vessels using gears other than those referred to above |
2013 |
Size frequency – blue marlin |
2013 |
Equations |
Size frequency – equations used to estimate standard lengths and estimate |
2013 |
Nominal Catches - Billfish |
2013 |
Catches and Effort - Billfish – all vessels |
2013 |
Size frequency – striped marlin |
2013 |
SF_Reference |
Size frequency – reference |
2013 |
Catches and Effort – Billfish - vessels using drifting longlines |
2013 |
CE_Reference |
Catches and Effort - Billfish - reference |
2013 |
Size frequency – Indo-pacific sailfish |
2013 |
Catches and Effort - Billfish - vessels using pole and lines or purse seines |
2013 |
Size frequency - swordfish |
2013 |
C_SWO_raised_WPB06 |
Raised swordfish catches by area |
2006 |
Longliners catch-and-effort data / Données de prise-et-effort des palangriers |
2006 |
Notice_on_data_availability_Mar06_WPB06 |
IOTC Working Party on Billfish: Notice on data availability and formats |
2006 |
CAS_SWOdet_WPB06 |
Estimated size frequency data per Fleet, gear, (type of school), year, quarter and 5 degrees square areas |
2006 |
Other vessels catch-and-effort data / Données de prise-et-effort des autres navires |
2006 |
ReadMeCE_WPB06 |
Catch and effort data summary and format explanations |
2006 |
CAS_TablesSWO_WPB06 |
Swordfish catch-at-size summary, format and procedures explanations |
2006 |
Purse-seiners and baitboats catch-and-effort data / Données de prise-et-effort des senneurs et canneurs |
2006 |
ReadMeSF_WPB06 |
Size frequency data summary and format explanations |
2006 |
Data Catalog for nominal cacthes, catch and effort and size frequency |
2006 |
NC_WPB06 |
Nominal Catch Data - Données de captures nominales |
2006 |
SF_WPB06 |
Size-frequency data 1970-2004 - Données de fréquences de tailles 1970-2004 |
2006 |