Tuna and tuna like fishes are one of the components of pelagic resources. In Pakistan, mainly neritic and oceanic species are encountered in the tuna fishery. Tuna fishing fleet comprises of about 709 gillnet boats. The total production of tunas and tuna-like fishes, including Neritic and Oceanic tunas, Billfishes and Seerfishes during the year 2017 was 102,225 m. tonnes.
There are no reported instances of sea bird interaction in any of the tuna fishing boat. Sea turtles, Marine mammals and Whale sharks are protected in Pakistan under various national and provincial fisheries and wildlife legislations. Data on tuna production is collected by provincial fisheries departments of maritime provinces of Sindh and Balochistan and compiled by Marine Fisheries Department, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Ports & Shipping.
Tuna and allied resources called as large pelagic resources. The large pelagic resources contributed 102,225 ton, accounting for 26.9% of the marine capture fish production. Major share of the landing was by Tunas (69%) followed by Seerfishes (21%) and dolphinfish (5.0%) and billfish (4%). Among the tunas, yellowfin was dominating with 35%, followed by longtail (27), frigate (18.5%), tuna-nei (8.5%), kawakawa (5.9%) and skipjack (4.4%). There was some landings of bullet tuna and striped bonito as well. There is a change in the pattern over the years, the contribution of the skipjack was 1.6% in 2016 and decreased down to 4.4 %.
Significant progress has been made during the year 2016, for the conservation of bycatch species which include promulgation of fisheries legislations by both provinces of Sindh and Balochistan. These legislation prohibited the catching of turtle, cetacean (whales & dolphins), whale shark, silky shark, oceanic whitetip shark, thresher shark, hammerhead sharks, all species of sawfishes of family Pristidae, all species of guitar fishes and wedge fishes of family Rhinidae, Rhinobatidae or Rhynchobatodae. To monitor the activities of local tuna boat, it is made mandatory to have VMS on all fishing vessel larger than 15 meters (in length overall). The contravention of these regulation is punishable with fine and imprisonment.