The ROS2 workshop organized by WWF – Pakistan was held in Karachi, Pakistan, from 11 December to 13 December 2018. A total of 39 participants attended the workshop.
The following are a subset of the complete recommendations and decisions from the ROS2 workshop to the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission for their consideration, which are provided from paragraph 98-104.
Summary First Session: Data Requirements, investigating gaps and Knowledge
ROS2 workshop (pages 5-13). The Workshop noted that some of the key definitions used to distinguish the data reporting and collection requirements in the Regional Observer Scheme remain ambiguous– notably the definition and extent of overlap between industrial fisheries, semi-industrial fisheries, artisanal fisheries, and coastal fisheries – this was agreed that this was a Commission level discussion and the responsibility of members states to raise it at the next Commission meeting in 2019.
The Workshop discussed the minimum standards required by each CPC. It was also briefly discussed how CPCs could meet minimum requirements for data collection that would allow the outcomes of the ROS to support the compliance and effective implementation of conservation management measures for tuna and tuna like species.
Gillnet was considered was considered a passive and indiscriminate gear which not only entangled desired target species, but also caught large number of non – target species of ecological significance. (Mozzam Khan –WPEB/IOTC 2012) The Workshop also noted Resolution 17/07 on limiting the use of large-scale driftnets(gillnets) will be mandatory for all member states in all the IOTC area by 2020, but discussed the rationalebehind limiting the size of gillnets to 2.5km, noting that the decision was taken by the United Nations GeneralAssembly (46/215) in 19911.
Summary Second Session: Advancement and Proposal for Consideration by IOTC under ROS
ROS2 workshop (pages 13-20). Please see nested tables on page 17-20.
Summary Third Session: Strengthening Regional Cooperation in the Indian Ocean
ROS2 workshop (pages 21-22). The Workshop ACKNOWLEDGED the recommendations arising from the 14th session of the WPDCS and related to the objectives of the workshop (WPDCS14.02: evaluate the validity of alternative data collection tools, and combinations of these as potential alternatives to onboard human observer coverage for the collection of the minimum standard data fields for small-scale vessels and WPDCS14.05: development of minimum standards on EMS for IOTC) and RECOMMENDED that the outcomes of this Workshop are used to drive the process of implementation of both IOTC recommendations.
The Workshop RECOMMENDED that member countries are actively consulted or participate in the feasibility analysis of alternative methods for the collection of scientific observer data, in particular by providing expertise on the assessment of the collected information for scientific purposes.
The workshop NOTED the interest expressed by Kenya, Mozambique and Maldives in participating to the ROS Pilot Project activity on the implementation of an observer training programme to support implementation of the Regional Observer Scheme in the Indian Ocean and RECOMMENDED that IOTC consider the inclusion of these CPCs in future activities
ACKNOWLEDGING the recent revision of mandatory data fields for ROS reporting purposes (see appendix …) the Workshop RECOMMENDED that CPCs exploring the possibility of data collection mechanism alternative to onboard scientific observers ensure proper level of coverage between these and the ROS minimum data reporting requirements for the considered gear types.
The Workshop ACKNOWLEDGED the draft action plans provided by participants and RECOMMENDED that the identified actions and opportunities (including the strategies identified for their implementation) for the strengthening of the ROS implementation at national level are considered and taken forward by CPCs with the support of the identified partners.
ACKNOWLEDGING the need for a stronger regional cooperation for the fulfillment of the identified objectives, the Workshop RECOMMENDED that mechanisms are identified / established to help implement the IOTC ROS and alternative data collection protocols for the collection of scientific observer data.
Review of the draft, and adoption of the report of the ROS2 Workshop
The ROS2 workshop participants RECOMMENDED that the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission consider the consolidated set of recommendations arising from ROS2 workshop.