1er Atelier sur le Programme pluriannuel sur les requins dans l'océan Indien (PPAR-OI01)
Atelier sur le Programme pluriannuel sur les requins dans l'océan Indien (PPAR-OI)
Mer, 14/05/2014 (Toute la journée) au Ven, 16/05/2014 (Toute la journée)
Olhão, Portugal
IPMA Building
Dr. Miguel Neves dos Santos; Dr. Rui Coelho; Dr David Wilson
At the 16th Session of the IOTC Scientific Committee held in December 2013, the SC agreed that the development of a detailed multi-year shark research program (IO–ShYP) by a small group of shark experts and the IOTC Secretariat should be undertaken early in 2014. The SC agreed that the IO–ShYP should aim to provide guidance to IOTC researchers, by prioritising issues related to data collection and research on species biology/ecology, fisheries and mitigation measures. Finally, by promoting cooperation and coordination among IOTC researchers, the IO–ShYP aims to improve the quality of the scientific advice on sharks provided to the Commission, and to better assess the impact on these species of the current CMMs. Dr Miguel Neves dos Santos and Dr. Rui Coelho will serve as Coordinators for the SC requested workshop. IPMA has graciously offered to host the meeting at its facility in Olhão Portugal. As agreed by the Scientific Committee, the size of the informal working group will be kept to a minimum to ensure an efficient, yet inclusive, meeting, with the aim of providing a detailed draft work plan for consideration by all IOTC CPCs at the next WPEB meeting, currently scheduled to be held in Japan in October of this year.