Fishers and scientists in the three tropical oceans are investigating different designs of
biodegradable FADs (bio-FAD) efficient for fishing. The tactic followed by most fishers
is to maintain the same conventional drifting FAD (dFAD) design (submerged netting
panels hanging from the raft) but made of organic ropes and canvas. Results of those
experiences show that the lifetime of bio-FADs that maintain the conventional dFAD
design but made of organic materials, is shorter than that required by most fishers. The
short lifespan of those bio-FADs is due to the structural stress suffered by dFAD designs
conventionally used. Thus, in order to use organic materials instead of the strong plastic,
and increase the lifespan of those bio-FADs, a paradigm shift is needed. Bio-FAD
structures should be re-designed to suffer the least structural stress in the water. The
present document aims at (i) summarizing what we learned across the different
experiences testing bio-FADs in the three oceans, (ii) proposing a new concept in dFAD
design, the JellyFAD design, and (iii) providing recommendations to reduce the impact
of dFAD structures on the ecosystem and for bio-FADs construction and use.