Référence | Titre | Publié le | Fichier | |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-DATA03 | Nominal Catches per Fleet, Year, Gear, IOTC Area and species | 24/07/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-DATA04 | Catch and effort data - vessels using drifting longlines | 24/07/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-DATA05 | Catch and effort data - surface fisheries | 24/07/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-DATA06 | Catch and effort data - vessels using other gears (e.g., gillnets, lines and unclassified gears) | 24/07/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-DATA07 | Catch and effort data - all vessels | 24/07/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-DATA08 | Catch and effort data - reference file | 24/07/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-DATA09 | Size frequency data - billfish species | 24/07/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-DATA10 | Size frequency data - reference file | 24/07/2023 |
Référence | Titre | Publié le | Fichier | |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-INF01 | Review of the statistical data available for Indian Ocean black marlin (1950-2021) | 02/09/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-INF02 | Review of the statistical data available for Indian Ocean blue marlin (1950-2021) | 02/09/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-INF03 | Review of the statistical data available for Indian Ocean striped marlin (1950-2021) | 02/09/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-INF04 | Review of the statistical data available for Indian Ocean Indo-pacific sailfish (1950-2021) | 02/09/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-INF05 | Review of the statistical data available for Indian Ocean swordfish (1950-2021) | 03/09/2023 |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-INF06 | Status of marlins and sailfish catches - Resolution 18/05 | 12/09/2023 |
Référence | Titre | Publié le | Fichier | |
IOTC-2023-WPB21-R | Rapport de la 21ème Session du Groupe de travail sur les poissons porte-épée | 13/11/2023 |